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Lludd and Llevelys part 1

Lludd and Llevelys (Anonymous: Some Time Before 14th Century) Notonly is nothing known of the author of this story, but it is hardly possible tomake a good guess within several centuries of the date...

The Raising of Lazarus 2

Martha met him Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when...

The Matron of Ephesus 2

Maidservant But she was ill-pleased by such commonplace consolation, and smote her breast more violently than ever, tearing out her hair and throwing it upon the body before her. Still, the young soldier did not...

The Jackal 2

The rest of the jackals, seeing him of such a fine complexion, prostrated themselves before him, and said: “According as Your Highness commands!” By this step he made himself honored by his own relations,...

The Haunted House 1

Pliny The Younger (62—113 A.D.) The Letters of Pliny the Younger (known in Latin as C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus) give a pleasant and varied picture of Roman life at a time when the satirists were...

The Dove and the Crow 1

The Dove And The Crow (Anonymous: 2nd Century B.C. or later) It is thought that the collection of fables now known as the Panchatantra had assumed definite shape at least as early as the Sixth...

The Ass in the Lion`s Skin 1

Ancient India Sanskrit is the classical language of the Hindus of ancient India. Practically the whole of that extraordinary literature which began with the Vedas and culminated some time before the close of the Middle...

Horatius at the Bridge 2

Horatius at the Bridge By this time the Tarquins had fled to Lars Porsena, king of Clu- sium. There, with advice and entreaties, they besought him not to suffer them, who were descended from the...

The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse 2

A mouse, you know, does not live forever. So come with me and I`ll show you life and the town.” Overpowered with such fine words and so polished a manner, the Country Mouse assented;...

King Rhampsinitus and the Thief 2

King`s treasury The daughter did as her father willed, whereon the thief, who was well aware of the king`s motive, felt a desire to outdo him m craft and cunning. Accordingly he contrived the following...

Dulkadirli Underground City


Marriage under Comet


Alanya Turquoise Blue