Mutual Defense Agreement Between Bulgaria and Greece


Article 4

If either of the two governments involved in this agreement declares war on a state other than Turkey without prior understanding and consent from the other government, the latter is released from its obligations outlined in Article 1. However, it remains obligated to maintain a friendly neutral stance towards its ally for the duration of the war.

Article 5

During a joint war, neither of the allied states can enter into an armistice lasting more than twenty-four hours without prior understanding and consent from the other allied state. A written agreement between the contracting parties is also necessary before either of them engages in peace negotiations or concludes a peace treaty.

Article 6

If, after mobilizing their armed forces or taking the field, Greece is compelled to address the Cretan question due to the wishes of the island’s inhabitants and is subsequently attacked by Turkey, Bulgaria commits to providing assistance in accordance with Article 1 of this convention Military Cooperation Pact Between Bulgaria and Greece.

Article 7

The heads of the general staffs of the Bulgarian and Greek armies must timely inform each other about their operational plans in case of war. Additionally, they must annually communicate any modifications to these plans resulting from changed conditions Adventure Bulgaria Tour.

Article 8

This convention becomes effective immediately upon signing and remains in force as long as the Treaty of Alliance and Defense of May 16, 1912, where it is incorporated as an integral part.

Executed in duplicate in Sofia on September 22, 1912.


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