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The Substitute part 2

He said this openly, cynically, like a man. He was a little ragged street-arab, as tall as a boot, his forehead hidden under a queer mop of yellow hair. Nobody claimed him, and they sent...

The Substitute part 1

Frangois Coppee (1842—1908) Coppee, the poet of the poor and humble, lived a long and uneventful life. His volumes of verse are characterized by qualities of sentiment and simplicity. But his novels, plays, and short...

Adios Cordera Part 5

A few days later the separation took place; the butcher came and brought the money agreed upon. He was asked by Anton to take a draught of wine, and forced to listen to the...

Adios Cordera Part 4

Anton de Chinta appreciated this in an indefinite way, and conse-quently said nothing to the children of the necessity for selling the cow. One Saturday morning at daybreak, he took advantage of the fact that...

Adios Cordera Part 3

But the railway and telegraph furnished incidents of only short duration, and these were soon swallowed up in the sea of solitude which surrounded the meadow “Somonte”; then no living being was to be...

Adios Cordera Part 2

“La Cordera,” having lived to a mature age, was more matter-of- fact than her companions. She held aloof from contact with the world and contemplated the telegraph pole from a distance as purely an...

Adios Cordera Part 1

Leopoldo Alas (1852-1901) Alas, who often wrote under the pseudonym of “Clarin,” was born at Zamora. Studying first for the law, he went to Madrid, where he worked as journalist and literary critic. He was...

The Story of an Heir part 4

I should have told my reader, that whilst Florio lived at the house of his foster-father he was always an acceptable guest in the family of Eudoxus, where he became acquainted with Leonilla from...

The Story of an Heir part 3

His affliction would have been insupportable, had not he been comforted by the daily visits and conversations of his friend. As they were one day talking together with their usual intimacy, Leontine, considering how...

The Story of an Heir part 2

This makes me often think on a story I have heard of two friends, which I shall give my reader at large, under feigned names. The moral of it may, I hope, be useful,...

Topmost flower


Marriage under Comet


The First Crusade part 2